
Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday - Off to Dorchester - Hardyland

A rainy day in Dorset land ... but it's only to ignore. Which is what we did. Off on a bus ride to Dorcester with our umbrellas and warm outer coverings and this time a small roller bag. We figured it out, how to make ourselves more comfy while walking without a heavy shoulder purse or bag to tote. A roller bag, small but spacious enough to carry our purses and whatever 'stuff' we collect along the way. Worked perfect. We each found the proper one, same, but I painted the emblem on mine with a tad of nail polish to differintiate between the two, which belongs to which. So now no more heaviness on the shoulders and arms.

So, I'm packing a few items I'm not using that I brought along, and will ship them home in the carryon luggage that is too heavy to carry through bus and train stations. I'll send them back to the U.S. before we leave Weymouth on Friday. That will leave a lightened load for my check-in bag, making it easier to manuever, and this small roller bag will replace the one I'm shipping home. Much better.

What it amounts to is a purse on rollers and a check-in bag that I'll be left with, both easy to lift. Works for me.

Alright, back to Dorcester ...

But before that, I was up shampooing and doing my nails this morning at 3:30 a.m., could not get to sleep. Had fallen asleep yesterday afternoon (Sunday) after our day out to Portland and the Cove House on Chesil Beach. Haven't posted that day yet, but will ... am behind on my writing.

Today we bused it to Dorcester, like I said, and had a very pleasant late lunch at Nappers Mite, a cafe in a 17th century alms house. Very small and crowded, but interesting nevertheless. Made of stone as most places are, hand hewn beams in the ceiling, wooden planks and stone floors, low doorways. The people in those times were much shorter than they are now. I would imagine you know all about that ... the evolution of the short of yesteryear to the tall of today. It's very evident in the cottages and buildings of England. I had a cheese & onion panini and Trish had a quiche.

After lunch we headed for the Thomas Hardy section in the Dorset Museum, which was the object of my interest. Then we went into the church next door, St. Peters, I believe it is. It was quaint, small, beautiful stained glass windows. I took pictures which I'll upload soon, as well as other pics thusfar.

Then it really began to rain, so we decided to come back to Weymouth, caught the bus, and here we are again. After a brief rest, though, we're off again to have a nice Italian dinner downtown by the drawbridge. So more later, gator . . .

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